Odd Hive Digital Agency

Different | Better

What Makes Us Odd?


Proven success with data-driven integrated  SEO and PPC strategies for businesses big and small.


We invest time to understand your industry, competition, customers, and your objectives when setting our strategy.


We don’t have salesmen, we don’t have yes men. We say “No” when it makes sense and will treat you like a close friend.


Talk is cheap. We will show you with data how our efforts impact your business and increase sales.

PPC Management & Strategy

Anyone can bring visitors to your website using paid advertising, but it takes an expert to bring you customers. We go above and beyond to understand your business, industry, competitors and customers to create an integrated digital strategy with real, trackable results. We build campaigns aimed at filtering out the nonsense to bring you real customers that convert.

Search Engine Optimization

There is no one size fits all solution to SEO. Each business has its own nuances and faces unique challenges which require a human touch.  We take the time to understand your industry and your customers to develop a digital strategy that goes beyond just stuffing your website with generic keywords. We specialize in merging a compelling on-site experience with an integrated online presence, and we track everything with truly custom reports.

Data Analysis + Custom Reporting

Who exactly are your website visitors? How do they find your website? How effective are your current marketing efforts? Why does your dog start barking even when there’s no one at the door? We don’t know the answer to the last one, but all the other questions can be answered with smart website analytics and your own  truly custom live dashboard at your fingertips 24/7.

Size Matters

Smaller is Better.

We’re a small agency. Working with us means your business will receive a level of attention like you’ve never experienced before. There are no small fish who swim by unnoticed. Our agility is unmatched and so is the service you will receive. Ditch the bureaucracy and work with a small team of high-caliber experts who are driven by integrity and quantitative results.


Let's Get The Ball Rolling